Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Office politics exist when some kind of people try to achieve something, based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I choose the top of need based on Maslow's hierarchy which is 'self-actualization' that based on self-fulfillment needs. Normally, the practitioners of office politics have their own agenda like want to get an earlier promotion or to eliminate their competitors in order to achieve their mission. 

In my organization, there are so many kinds of these people.....they always use another people either with force or begging another people to help them. They always start with rumors, make an allies, spying, eliminate enemies and the most is back stabbing. In my office, there are two people which are hardcore in practice the office politics, their target is promotion.....they start with a fight with the small thing then they can't control their emotions and drag other people into their conflict. This two person actually is a top management in my department, their conflict has continued within more than 10 years ++. It is very sick to face off this type of people, the latest conflict between them is one of them has to transfer to another department, one of them feel victory because their enemy has already been eliminated. 

The one left comes out with his new strategy with his allies try to make one steps ahead to choose their people to give promotion if there is a new vacancy in my department. These sick people also control their subordinates by blackmailing them if they choose to protest or against them in whatever issues come out. There is no choice for us to run away from this problems, we have to confront them for another 7 years ++ before she pension, then we will be free and can do our jobs with peaceful. 

For now, I have to calm down and follow their rhythm or play safe. I have to finish my study first by Jun 2018 then I will make my strategy too in order to have a promotion for better future of my beloved family. One thing to remember is whatever we do 'rezeki adalah kurniaan Allah swt'.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Semalam, tanggal 7 Ogos 2017....buat pertama kalinya si kecik Danyal demam....suhu mencecah 38.6 agak panas bagi bayi berusia 6 bulan. 

Bawa ke klinik, lepas diberi ubat terus tidur. Lama juga tidurnya.....bangun-bangun meragam pulak si kecik ni....tak boleh tinggal sekejap, menangis terus....ada depan dia ok pulak. 

Hari ni, mummy dia pulak amik EL, terpaksa bergilir-gilirlah. Nak cuti panjang-panjang karang abis plak cutinya.

Kebetulan hari ni ada Program Ikrar Bebas Rasuah dekat dewan besar LKIM. Separuh hari juga programnya. Ok lah, hari pun mendung nak hujan agaknya....cow dulu.